Sunday, April 29, 2012

Where goes the time ? April 29, 2012

C'est pas facile à croire mais demain avec le retour de David... la fin du mois d'avril... les jours sont de plus en plus long et la neige commence à fondre un peu plus à chaque jour. J'ai bien hâte de revoir le plus jeune revenir ici, j'espère qu'il aura un bel été, et saura profiter des belles journées de Printemps qu'ils nous restent. Le down de la journée, le chauffe-eau qui nous a pêté dans la face... alors pas d'eau chaude de la journée... et le nouveau chauffe-eau a été dumper en face de la porte entre 21h00 et 21h45 alors que nous étions allés prendre une douche... à l'extérieur. (8.5)

Photo: La photo qui sera sur la carte de la grand-maman de ma Poupette...

Samedi Preps and shoot - April 28, 2012

A day of fun with ma Poupette... preps for a shoot and then the shoot... it is always nice to have a second pair of hands... specially when the shoot has different scene and somehow complexe as far as light... and all... (8.5)

Photo: A couple we did the photo shoot.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday yeah - April 27, 2012

A busy day... Saw a nurse at the TB clinic this morning, got to prove Health Canada I have not TB... so since I tested positive once, I got to have spitting, and chest x-ray... and this is why our health care system cost so much... testing people who are not require to be.
Otherwise at the end of the day, the sun came out, it is melting like crazy, road are getting bad. Although I have a long shoot tomorrow, I am glad the weekend is there... just to be with my lovely GF... (5.0)

Photo: Icicles on the house... sign of the Spring

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday week almost over - April 26, 2012

Hey the week is almost over... my laptop died the first morning I got to Winnipeg... got a new laptop in the mail, but now will need to install all the single little programs I need... and build some filing... it is great to start new but it is also so much work.
And it snowed more and more... it is getting hard to get to the house and the cars are getting stuck in our little dead end street. (8.0)

Photo: What have snow... and some makes the best of it...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The snow was falling - April 25, 2012

It was a Winter wonderland in the Capital today... aww well the son returning to the North will be happy to see all the white stuff on the ground. The week is dragging, so busy... I had to cancel shoot tonight with Sonny Lee... no energy, nest time she comes around or if I fly up there. (8.0)

Photo: From the house's deck... Sun dogs.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday saved the week - April 24, 2012

Une belle journée... passé au soleil.. travaillé dehors, un beau retour sur un lundi misérable. C'est plaisant de profiter du printemps. Confirmation d'un shoot avec une femme enceinte... il reste à règler quelques détails. (8.5)

Photo: Une femme enceinte... Rhoda.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Frustrated Monday - April 23, 2012

Today was not the greatest day... Busy and it seems I was going nowhere...  not that I was planning to get anywhere. At least it is great to be home. I saw a buddy of mine on his way to a different sky for him... always exciting to see people going to a greener tomorrow. I was happy for him.
Back at the gym with Poupette... refreshing. (8.5)

Photo: Abby the night we did a 7 hours tattoo. I hope she is doing fine.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mega Sunday - April 22, 2012

A wondeful Sunday... at home, little work, little cleaning of the car, tidy up the garage, little hockey. I went to see Titanic 3D... what a wonderful movie, just loved it so much. (8.0)

Photo: Un morceau de glace et moi... comme le Titanic a rencontré...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Flying on the jet plane - April 21, 2012

Flying back home... I was so happy to return home... I must be getting old, I am happy at home. Got a third of the cargo I shipped and all the luggage came with me. I was awesome for this. My lovely GF was at the airport and it was awesome to be re-united.... weather was Beautiful...  ( 8.0)

Photo: Me "doing" Tina

SHOPPING - April 20, 2012

I shopped so much, but I love shopping... I got all kind of stuff... but stuff I could not get home. I had a lunch with little sista Delma... it was cool, a little noisy place but was so good to see her. (8.0)

Photo: Delma in front of a museum in Ottawa

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Magasinage - April 19, 2012

Une longue journée.. Départ de l'hotel ce matin  à 06h00... vol à 07h45... arrivé à Ottawa à midi... magasinage, emballage, transport au cargo... mais une bonne journée puisque j'ai rempli presque la liste en entier... demain sera plus relax... Je m'ennuie aussi de mon amour... (7.5)

Photo: Et bien... Ca devait être avant qu'elle ne soit enceinte...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Meetings, lunch and supper - April 18, 2012

Quelle journee, je suis fatigue mais j'ai l'impression d'avoir fait beaucoup de chose.. d'avoir ete utile... dans le passe ces voyages me laissaient blah a l'occasion mais ce fut different... j'ai ete reconnu par mes pairs, j'ai ete lunche avec une gang et c'etait plaisant... Ce soir, je devais avoir un souper de gang et personne n'est venu sauf Kent... alors nous avons ete souper dans un superbe new restaurant branche de Winnipeg... le meilleur repas de restaurant depuis Vegas l'ete passee... une addresse a retenir... et Mr. Haase a été de bonne compagnie...  Miss my Poupette a lot and think about her all the time.(7.5)

Photo: Photo the SKY MASTER a new attraction been built in Winnipeg...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So tired - April 17, 2012

Well my laptop is dead... so I am stuck with the business centre for a few days I guess... I slept just a few hours last night... the day was very long.. but slept a couple hours after work. I think the meetings, and props I got here will be something worth the trip. I had a nice Supper with Cynthia . (6.5)

Photo: Winnipeg... First evening rain near Portage and Main

Monday, April 16, 2012

Away from home day 1 - April 16,2012

Grosse journée; changement d'associé dans la business ( pour le meilleur), mon chum qui part de la ville, terminer les valises, ramasser mon bureau, checké in à l'aéoport, vol de 3h20 avant un bébé qui pleurait derrière mois, souper avec une amie qui est choquée que ce soit sa fête, attente à l'aéroport, la banque, Northmart... a c'est comme ça... A l'hotel on m'a donné une chambre adaptée... les interupteurs sont à terre, les chaises basses, le lavabo pas trop haut...(8.0)

Photo: Let's go back shopping mon amour !!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dimanche avant l'avion du lundi - April 15, 2012

Dimanche, une belle journée, un gros soleil, pas de vent.... je pouvais au loin les gens qui assistaient au course de motoneige sur la baie... ils devaient plusieurs centaines. Bon il faut faire les valises parce que pour revenir, il faut bien partir... (6.5)
Photo: In the doorway seems so far away... shot in an abandon house, 100 meters from a Walmart, in North Carolina.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Gros show ce soir - April 14, 2012

I am going to see a show tonight with my lovely one... This is a band in 'repette' mais pas celui que nous verrons... mais la Poupette sera ... It should be fun, but I am going pretty much without camera...
We went to see the ice cube carving show this afternoon... it was interesting ( to keep it nice)... The bannik competition there was a lot of people staring at a cooking show Northern Style... A pretty day and full of fun (5.0)
Photo: A band during sound check...

Friday, April 13, 2012

Toonik Tyme a very nice day - April 13, 2012

Il faisait beau pour la première journée du Toonik Tyme... peu d'activité mais bien du plaisir à marcher dans le neige et regarder les gens glisser.(7.5)

Photo: Derek the Shovel Rider... at the price of the snowmobile... I get the point.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The real story from the ER - April 12, 2012

I had to get to the ER this morning... Interesting when you think I was seen by the doctor.. I booked with a few weeks back... then was called by the hospital to cancel the appointment because she was seen only pregnant women... and told the rest of the month was spoken for... I will not give the name of the Doctor, but she is more than great and was helpful.. and I should get better in a couple days.. (9.8)
Photo: Toonik Tyme this weekend.. reminds me when David was competing.. Miss seen the guy on ice.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I wonder, do you? - April 11, 2012

The trip went fine... it was pleasant... the job got done... the plane came back and took us home... Plan A did not work but B was just as fine.
Still in pain and wonder when will be the end of it... (9.5)
Photo: Wonder ing about it...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 sur 5 - April 10, 2012

Alors que la météo était belle... je croyais que tu irais sur des roulettes... le vol de First Air a été cancelé... nous avons été transféré sur Canadian North... Grosse journée... nous avions prévu prendre de l'avance ce soir... en se réchauffant un peu dans le shack... la porte était enterrée alors pas d'accès au shack... il faisait froid... -35 ou -40... pas chaud mais nous avons pris de l'avance..

Maintenant ce que je ferais... juste me coller sur ma Poupette et faire un dodo jusqu'au matin... zzzzz (9.5)

Photo: Hall Beach a long long field...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hey Hey - April 09, 2012

Another day... tomorrow back to work... (8.5)
Photo: My prairie friend Cynthia. (to follow)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tam tam dalam - April 08, 2012

Journée de Pâques... on s'est amusé à faire des photos élégantes. Une belle journée...(8.0)

Photo: La Belle Maryline

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bad day - April 07, 2012

Une chance que j't'ai... une chance qu'on s'a... (9.5)
Photo: En couleur...

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday - April 06, 2012

The days after the small blizzard... a lot of snow around time. It was nice to be home, did a mini shoot with La Poupette.. some real classy photo. (9.0)
Photo: Real classy, really Beautiful, just a great loveable pose that I had the chance to seize...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Extra long weekend - April 05, 2012

Blizzard today... I could not get anywhere... this is okay, an extra day off for the extra long weekend. (9.0)

Photo: Blizzard view from the back door...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Milieu de la semaine - April 04, 2012

Un long mercredi... une chance que j'ai du support... Merci d'être là ma poupette d'amour. (9.0)
Photo: Ma chum de Jasper

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Snow snow snow - April 03, 2012

It was Winter wonderland this morning and it kept on snowing all day... it was mild too -13 degrees, just loveable weather. Latest news from the youngest, he was on his way back home away from home... after getting stuck in P.E.I. with a gas pump problem on the truck of his ride to a hockey tournment. (9.0)
Photo: David last year...I think.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Beach boy - April 02, 2012

First day back at work after a short week off... and another booking to Hall Beach... it will be trip number 6 at the Beach in the last 9 months...A very busy day, the week will be gone... just like this...
Dear Maryline is working hard at trying to get me seen by a doctor, I am a little difficult, after seen so many stupid people at the hospital. I just don't want to see any bozo the clown, enough is enough. So I am waiting in pain for the surgery. (9)
Photo: When there was red in my life... a Red Hummer and a Red bike... I don't miss them at all.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Premier Avril - April 01, 2012

Le premier avril... un superbe journée de printemps alors un début de gros ménage du printemps... a voir de la fenêtre les dizaines de motoneiges revenant sur la trail de Kimmirut... bien des explorateurs ont profité de la journée. (8.5)
Photo: Demonica de Morte... a good friend eating finger licking good cake...