Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Qikiqtarjuaq Wednesday - May 30, 2012

Early departure... F.A. playing with me... Pretty wet day... weather nice, and the day went fine... although I used 3 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of boots... snow was deep, soft, wet... but I got it done. ( 8.0)

Photo: Mon pays ce n'est pas un pays... c'est l'hiver...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday mardi - May 29, 2012

Une journée tranquile... demain je pars et je sais que je vais m'ennuyer de ma Belle. Des fois, je m'arrête à penser et je constate que je suis l'homme le plus chanceux d'avoir ma petite chérie dans ma vie. Elle est une des grandes de ce monde. Face à l'adversité, elle relève ses manches et affiche son plus beau sourire, puis elle fonce et sait faire face aux défis que la vie lui apporte. Lorsque je prends la route, je l'amène avec moi,  je pense à elle du matin au soir, et je voudrais souvent partager les moments, les endroits que je visite avec elle. Je voudrais qu'elle voit avec ses yeux comme les villages du Nuavut sont différents les uns des autres. Je sais qu'elle apprécirait, parce qu'elle a un regard qui sait aimer, et apprécier les petites choses toutes simples. Elle est vraiment, le plus Belle, et la meilleure... je le sais et je le vois à tous les jours. Sa voix qui me communique plein de mots.. elle me manque lorsque je ne suis pas là... son sourire... il me manque lorsque je suis au loin.... son rire il résonne dans ma mémoire, et je souris juste à y penser. Je suis sur la veille du départ, et je pense à mon t'aime ma Poupette.

Photo: Un sourire juste pour celle que j'aime comme un fou.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Lundi Lundi Lundi - May 28, 2012

Un réveil avec de la neige au sol et de la neige qui tombait du ciel... C'est le mois de mai on devrait pas s'en faire avec ça... mais ça dérange les gens... moi aussi... lorsque je regarde ma moto. (7.0)

Photo: Jack's cuts

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Shoot... naah - May 27, 2012

Today I did prepare for an upcoming photo shoot... New location, so I had to check the lights, backdrops, smoke, and bikes... it should be great... I already secure a model, I have 2 others I hope to work with... I hope get a go for the weekend. (8.0)

Photo: Me taken by my lovely girlfriend, playing the assistant for the day.

Saturday at work - May 26, 2012

I don't like working on weekends... but this week I had a morning of meetings, show and tell. It went fine and it made every one happy. I could get back to my life on Saturday afternoon and I have a great life. Saturday night was just like I love them... with the greatest woman. (8.0)

Photo: I think she was the last client... after I decided I would take rest, heal, and think... I cannot rest until I get my health back, and I thought...looking forward to tattoo again.

Vendredi 2x 13 - May 25, 2012

Visitors... I had some important visitors. I had some VIPs... I had a night out with them, it was nice but at the same time, I feel I was puting my GF aside and taking time away from my quiet life. I am not very much a social person, I like the company of a few friends, but in a large crownd, I am not in my element. These social, it is where you gather information, knowledge, and can figure a bit of the future. The main message was.. Don't worry, it should be okay for us. At the same time some of the people closer to me in the large machine, they want to me to be okay, they want me to request help if I need some. The beer was flowing, and I was there more than I had been in the past. Maybe I was a little more worry about stuff.. ( 8.0)

Photo: C'est jamais pareille sans toi.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Jeudi - May 24, 2012

Je suis heureux d'avoir un ange à tous les jours avec moi. J'adore l'écouter, elle a toujours des belles choses à partager. Elle est vraie, elle est tendre, elle est superbe. Elle est mon ange à moi.(8.5)

Photo: Model and friend... Jocelyn

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Milieu de la semaine - May 23, 2012

La semaine avance... et je pense de plus en plus aux prochaines vacances. Petit lunch avec le jeune, plaisant lorsqu'il est en forme et que ses mots coulent de sa bouche. Ma poupette me fait sourire et rire, elle est vraiment une belle et merveilleuse compagne de tout instant. (8.5)

Photo: Des fois la mer est loin... du bateau

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Christmas in the air - May 22, 2012

It was a nice Spring into it turns into Winter again... this morning it was white so white... VIPs went through and we will see them again on Friday... (7.5)

Photo: Delma in Apex

Monday, May 21, 2012

Victoria Day - May 21, 2012

Une journée de congé supplé de la neige... Complêté l'installation des mufflers sur la moto de JC... mais elle est demeuré dans le garage... Ma poupette a travaillé fort dans le gym et avec sa premièere grande marche de l'année... elle est en forme la Belle petite chérie... demain la semaine de fou qui commence... j'ai presque hâte à samedi après-midi... (8.0)

Photo: Fingirl Amanda.. my funny friend

Jour de la messe - May 20, 2012

I spent a few hours wrenching installing the new pipes on my buddy John's bike. We did not finish the job, it was not as simple as said on the sheets, but no so bad and will look pretty good. I wanted to wash the car and truck as the weather looked a little better in the evening, still was cold... and forecast for snow most of the week turned me down on the idea. Tomorrow whooo hooo... another day day off. ( 8.5)

Photo: Squeegees... on the job.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Saturday Night Fever - May 19, 2012

Ça faisait un bon bout que nous n'avions pas fait de grande virée dans les bars de la ville... Ça change pas trop, toujours la même musique, les mêmes gérants stupides avec grosses attitudes... mais passant outre ces détails... une soirée amusante, et pleine de sourire... C'était bien de connecter avec biker JC, les amies de ma Belle Poupette, et quelques connaissances que je n'avais pas vu depuis des lunes. Je deviens un ermite et c'est bien comme ça. (7.5)

Photo:Cynthia Canadian Tire Girl

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friday c'est vendredi - May 18, 2012

Une grosse journée... passée à changer des réservations... refaire des horaires... Petite soirée en belle compagnie !! ( 8.0)

Photo: Petit tattoo, petite lady

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Much the same - May 17, 2012

J'ai revu le toubib aujourd'hui... et les nouvelles étaient pas mal ce que je savais déjà.. à peu de détails... il y a encore 10 patients avant moi et j'attendrai encore un bon trois mois avant de passer sur la table d'opération. Mais de le voir prendre le temps de m'écouter, de sympatiser avec ma souffrance... Ça fait garder espoir qu'il y a encore des médecins qui se préoccupent de leur patients... et ne pas te faire sentir comme un numéro... ( 8.5) Réserver une escapade à New York pour le mois de juillet...

Photo: Back de dos... Back to NYC

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hump hump hump - May 16, 2012

It must have been a rock'n rool week for my youngest boy... he found the bike of his dream.. I did not object at him getting it... but I wanted all the Ts to be crossed and I to be doted... He could not get his plate because somehow no one had ever registered this brand and the system did not have it... and at the end of the day he got all figured it out. A dirt biker in the house... nothing new about it... he has been riding for...almost 10 years... OMG and he is only 18...
I went for blood work... wonder how many litres it adds up at the end of the year... seems I go pretty often... Tomorrow the big appointment with the Doc... (8.5)

Photo: David on bike number 3... his WR250...

Tuesday coming back home - May 15, 2012

I had a good day at the beach... worked on few little things and got back home on a late flight... got home with the key of an ATV I borrowed to go for lunch at the beach... Oopsy... I was happy to get back home. ( 8.5)

Photo:Me in Igloolik

Monday at the beach - May 14, 2012

I wonder how many times I did have a title like been at the Beach in the last year or so... The beach was good... I hired a guy from town to help me out, the snow was bad, it did not matter, it worked out fine. I was pretty wiped out at the end of the day... (8.5)

Photo: A temporary broken angel... miss her tonight.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday aux cerises - May 13, 2012

Un beau dimanche à la maison... y ventait, y faisait un temps d'hiver... mais j'étais chez moi et je suis toujours heureux lorsque je suis chez nous. C'est bien d'être avec ma belle poupette le dimanche. (9.0)

Photo: runway shows... you get one shot at doing it right... and you are competing for attention with a few others. It is still a blast.

Ryia in Pond Inlet - May 12, 2012

It was nice to see Ryia in Pond Inlet... we chat a little about the surgery of her dad and he is in recovery now. The flight did fly directly back home with no stop in Clyde, I never mind the stop in Clyde, but it was nice to get home an hour early. Before I got home, I was all packed for my next trip... leaving at 07:30 Monday... the Beach. Happy to be home, windy but wonderful when the sun came out. (9.0)

Photo: Undercover operation in Pond Inlet

Great room lousy view - May 11, 2012

It makes you wonder and it is not my first rant about this... Pond Inlet, it is one of the most scenic place in the North... the view it is spectacular and breath taking... I can look around forever and ever... they build a new hotel and how many rooms has a view... maybe 4... if so many... what a shame, we try to get tourism going, and new hotels are built with nicer aminities but we forgot to promote through the simple views of the hotel windows... I had a nice stay, many nice encounters. (9.0)

Photo: This smile and his boy were on the hotel's deck when I got back for the night... well bright night.

Stew Ped patron – May 10, 2012

Hotel was very noisy when I went to sleep... other patrons watching loudly a hockey game... no blinds in the room, it did not sleep great, but I slept and this is good. A long day of stuff in Clyde with so much snow around the shack... a real treat... but I got done on time... when I came to check in for my late afternoon, I was told the flight has been canceled. So I transfered on the other airline, and made it to Pond Inlet... got there a little late and tired.. so I settle in my nice hotel room for the night. (8.5)

 Photo: Stop.. for the name of love !!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I got in Clyde - May 09, 2012

After 2 days trying to get there I got there... weather is not bad although the clouds were pretty low. It took me a few minutes to get to the luggage... 45 minutes to get a taxi... Butch has been sick for 3 months and things have changed... I called Monday to get the snow cleared to the shack it was not done. It was 17:45 by the time I got to the hotel and got my key... decided to return just to position tools and get luggage.

I was in luck... Lauréa  Lessard is in town, he is probably one of the most helpful man around... so he offered me his truck for the evening... so I drove them back to the house where him and his eomployee are staying. I went back and carry my tools as close as possible from the shack... still short a few hundred meters, and snow as deep as 2 meters but snow was hard enough to support my weight carrying tools.

I did a few checked and called the night at 19:30... I came to the hotel to drop my stuff before returning the truck to Lauréa at the other end of town... stayed there to chat a little bit. Then walked back to the hotel.

Lauréa is about to turn 70 years old, and still look in his early 50s... what a great man.

Missing the company of ma poupette, j’ai hâte de lui parler ce soir. (7.5)
Photo: Window 8... the next thing...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another cancellation - May 08, 2012

Oui mais c'est tannant de transporter les bagages... et de les ramener après avoir été nul part. J'ai une femme superbe dans ma vie, elle est tellement belle et pleine d'énergie... une source quotidienne d'inspiration. (9.7)

Photo: Ma plume s'éteint...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Un très bas - May 07, 2012

Hurry up and wait... we always say this up here... So this morning, I was running to get ready, trying to address a few problems aound here. I gave a few phone calls, and sent a few last minutes emails. Went to check in at the airport... caught a lunch with my son... got a ride to the airport for my flight... and it got canceled... sucks to be me... and because I did opt for the cheap ticket... spent time on the phone to make changes since now my connection were no longer working... so new plan gone until Friday. (9.7)

Photo: moi en été... Summer dream !!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dimanche et le dessert - May 06, 2012

Aujourd'hui c'était dimanche,.. une belle journée. J'aime le dessert mais le diabète me fait ternir loin des sucreries, mais à l'occasion, je triche ma diète et m'offre une petit gâterie. Cette semaine j'ai une réaction allergique, pas trop sévère... mais assez ennuyante pour que je sois prudent et que je me prive de ci et cela pour essayer d'en trouver la source. J'étais heureux ce matin alors que j'ai savouré le dessert que je préfère et que je n'ai eu aucune réaction... Ca pourrait être un médicament, ou alimentaire... pour l'instant je me croise les droits. Merci mon amour pour le petit dessert savoureux, c'est gentil de me laisser me gâter malgré mon diabète. Demain Clyde here I come !!!! (5.0)

Photo: Pond Inlet... heading there Tuesday

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Samedi weather is blah - May 05, 2012

Une journée à faire des petites choses toutes simples... j'aime bien mon samedi avec ma Poupette. Y neige, y mouille... okay...  (9.7 overnight).

Photo: Abigail in Taloyoak

Friday, May 4, 2012

Je travaille pas vendredi - May 04, 2012

Une pas si mal journée... temps de derrière, pluie, neige mouillée, venteux, pas grave j'avais rien de prévu, simplement de relaxer. Un peu de préparation pour le départ de lundi.. mais sans trop de pression. Ma Belle Poupette me fait sourire avec son rire magique et son optimiste débordant. Les conditions de motoneiges vont se détériorer dommage pour mon p'tit gars qui trippe "skidoo"...(7.0)

Photo: Le deuxième création de Bone Dani

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Busy Thursday - May 03, 2012

What a day... OMG it was so busy between running to the hospital and Health Centre... it was just too much... but the day is gone and will not be back... I have been approach for another shoot outside my box... I think I will do it, I need to explore stuff I am not comfortable with... that way I will be able to perform better in my own little niche...
Looking to get a new car... brousing the net like crazy... won't buy till Summer but trying to look  around...
Tomorrow is Friday my day off... nothing much is plan yeah... (8.0)

Photo:  First little rain today.. it makes me think... first tanker into the bay in 6 weeks... it is pretty much like the groundhog in the USA.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hump day - May 02, 2012

Une pas si pire journée... moi magané qu'hier, et demain je vois le doc... alors on verra... c'est toujours difficile lorsque je me fais dire que l'attente sera encore de 3-4 mois... alors que le chirurgien m'avait dit que je serais fait avant la fin d'avril et que l'hopital m'avait dit avant décembre... une grosse joke sur mon dos et j'en ai plein le dos...
J'ai reçu un cadeau dans la poste... même si je l'avais choisi, je ne l'avais pas encore vu... c'est cool.. un espèce de grosse horloge... et ca sonne comme un horloge grand-père... au moins tu peux choisir de ne pas avoir le son... mais je l'activerai pour la visite... pour faire parler...

Photo: Pas de rapport... mon amie Jocelyn qui vit là-bas en Alberta.

Itchy Tuesday - May 01, 2012

What a day... I have hives on me and it was getting worst as the day went on... so I went home at 14:30 and got some Benadryl... I felt relieve and everything went fine although I was so but so sleepy... By 21:00 it was growing again all over my body... so I took a second set of Benadryl... then went to sleep... I was tired and exhausted of my day... Not sure what triggered the reaction... it could be so many things... (9.0)

Photo: Pieces of ice.. beached.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lundi - April 30, 2012

Last day of the month... busy busy busy... I did finish the editing of the last photo shoot short of midnight...The hospital did not have a shcedule yet for May.. Hello it is tomorrow ?
My younger boy came back, he looked happy and rest. It is always so great to see him smiling.  Did push a little too much in the GYM... La Poupette est pas plus en forme que moi... elle me motive au gym... mais des fois, je devrais en faire moins. (8.5 late in the day)

Photo:  Nanisivik downtown in the Summer