Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Qikiqtarjuaq - February 29th, 2012

Sometimes I forget about what life is all about... taking time and enjoying the present. I was in Qik not so long ago, and my buddy Philip was going to dive into the icy water to harvest the best of the best the sea offers up here. I could have gone with him like I did in the past but I passed and returned home without any of the delicious of the sea. In the busyness of the moment, I forgot about taking an extra night, just to enjoy the company of my friend Philip, just to feel the excitement of seen his face re-surfacing with the gold of the sea, to see a true master of the clams diving.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bone Dani - February 28, 2012

Je me suis trouvé un nouveau nom pour signer mes photos qui sont plus artistiques. Ce sera Bone Dani... dérivé de Bone Daddy, un peintre que j'admire. Mes premières signatures apparaissent sur des photos de jambes que j'ai fait il y a quelques jours.
I found a new name I will grace my more artistic photos... it will be Bone Dani... it came from an artist painter I greatly admire Bone Daddy.
First Signature on my series on legs... great legs...
Photo: Great Legs - Bone Dani

Monday, February 27, 2012

A sad day - February 27, 2012

My thoughts and prayers are with the family who lost everything in the fire of the block 300 of the White rown... I live in the block 500 in the 90s....

Photo: In front of the Madison Square Garden... all move... but her, stuck on her phone.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Trop parlé... - February 26, 2012

J'ai parlé trop vite... je me ventais ce matin que c'était doux; -30 et pas de vent... ce soir les vents ont repris et c'est encore un froid de canard... -50 avec un avertissement de froid intense... Alors demain lundi, on va prendre ça cool. J'ai passé une belle fin de semaine.
Photo du gym.. l'endroit ou je m'entraine lorsque je suis à Iqaluit... pas loin à me deplacer puisque c'est dans ma maison...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

She got legs - February 25, 2012

Wonderful shoot this evening... I had a little fun with the lighting but got great shots. Pretty happy with I have... just needed a few and got a litte more... yeahhhh !!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Red H-3 SOLD - February 24, 2012

What a busy day... running around like crazy... but I sold the red Hummer and it makes me happy. Looking forward for a relax weekend with my lovely girlfriend.
Photo: I have so many of Martin Deschamps and I felt like posting another one.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Un vrai rocker - February 23, 2012

Grosse journée de tout et de rien... encore une fois à combatre le froid.

Photo: Une vrai rocker Martin Deschamps... j'ai eu la chance de photographier Martin au cours des répétitions de son spectacle et pendant le spectacle... un artiste qui se donne à 100%... un gars sympatique qui fait bouger des montagnes par son énergie. Il ne fait vraiment pas de demi-mesure.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A cold day again - February 22, 2012

When you think you have seen enough of the cold... it gets colder again.. -51 when I woke up this morning... OMG and I had to go in-out most of the day... what a cold cold day... darn wind...
Photo: Grise Fiord... as I am slowly preparing my trip to the most Northern village in North America

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What would they think ? - February 21, 2012

I don't like when people are trying to guess what would be thought about something... or double think every event before they even arrive... like what if and what if... ??? Always worry... I wonder how they live, or think ? It must be hard to worry all the time and never move forward...

I never care... never give a hoot... never second guess.. always goes for it...

Photo: Taken in Victor Bay on a nice Summer evening.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Playboy Bunny - February 20, 2012

Busy Monday... Scattered Monday... Not sure what will be the rest of the week, but this was a weird Monday... I need to find time to prepare for my up-coming shoots.
Photo: This is a polar bear taken in his natural habitat... It was taken in Arctic Bay not far from the water lake.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Soleil - February 19, 2012

Elle dort... et je ne voulais pas la réveiller en tournant de tout bord et tout côté... elle dort ma Belle à la toundra dormante. C'est dimanche et le soleil brille sur une autre journée très froide. Je sais que ce sera une belle journée.
Photo: Un matin à Igloolik... c'est plat à l'infini... l'horizon n'a pas de fin... est ce que la terre est ronde ou n'est qu'un disque ?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Blow me - January 17, 2012

I spent pretty much all the day at the hospital... pretty much... Great way off to relax and recup from work. I could write a short story about how stupid was the first Doctor I saw this morning. This afternoon I delt with great people.
Photo: My buddy Philip in Qikiqtarjuaq on Thursday was blowling snow at me... I was loosing sight of my stuff and had to get in for a few minutes during each of his passes cleaning the airstrip.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tired - February 16, 2012

Tired - It was a long day... flew all the way to Qik and back this evening. Tomorrow I am catching up on life by staying home.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bonsoir les aurores - February 15, 2012

Ca fait du bien d'être à la maison... de préparer des repas, de manger avec la Belle femme que j'aime. Ce soir, les aurores étaient magnifiques, mais mes doigts avait de la misère au joual vert...
Lorsque je croyais avoir la photo parfaite... un yoyo a lancé ses feux d'artifice dans MON CIEL... lol
Un plaisir de courrir les aurores avec ma Belle Princesse.
Eh bien demain à 06h30... back on the road and back to Qikiqtarjuaq.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Un coeur sur deux pattes - Febuary 14, 2012

Je suis loin de mon amour qui est un coeur sur deux pattes. Je n'avais jamais rencontré aussi généreuse qu'elle. Elle est toujours heureuse et joyeuse, elle sème la joie autour d'elle. Elle a ce rire contagieux qu'elle partage avec son entourage, je lui rends un petit hommage aujourd'hui. J'aurais aimé retourner à la maison pour lui préparer un bon repas, puis lui faire quelques surprises... et là je suis loin en attente d'un avion en fin de journée.

At lunch time I went to a bad restaurant and it was BAD... I would never understand how you could serve bad food... not caring about the customers, running a restaurant so poorly. Well it was just a $10.00 burger... nothing to write a novel about it. Mais c'est la St-Valentin et j'ai dans la tête de retourner à la maison. J'ai dans la tête de me coller sur ma belle dès mon retour chez nous.

Monday, February 13, 2012

In Dorset - February 13, 2012

Flight did not come... déjà vue... In my last 7 trips, 6 of these trips had somehow delays and were longer than expected.

I am in Dorset and the weather has been nice. Travel company has been great, I smiled a lot and it was a fun trip from the beginning.

Looking forward to be home again.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The most northern village - February 12, 2012

Je suis à Cape Dorset et j'ai hâte de retourner chez moi... j'ai pas encore la moitié de la job de

Prochain voyage sera seulement dans 3 semaines et je suis content de ce break à la maison.

Grise Fiord, Resolute, Arctic Bay seront visités au cours de mon voyage qui débutera le 7 mars.

Photo... Avion sur la piste à Grise Fiord l'an dernier.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Back home beside my love - February 11, 2012

I was lucky I had a morning flight to return home... weather turned pretty much as soon as the plane landed back home. It is not like it is a blizzard... near blizzard condition I would say... It is cold like hell ( if it happens to be cold in Hell)... it is windy, quite windy... so after getting stuck an extra night in Qikiqtarjuaq... back on schedule and off to Cape Dorset in the morning... weather permitting...

Happy to spend my Saturday night with my love and just be together as the stormy weather is outside our door.

Friday, February 10, 2012

In Pangnirtung - February 10, 2012

I am in the country of my friend David Kilabuk (some with say it is Peter's country lol), David is the most talented photographer in Nunavut. We had a chat this afternoon,it was great to touch base with him. So this evening I took the time and tried to shoot the Northern Lights from the Beautiful Pangnirtung. Sure they were greater before I took the camera out...

Pour toi mon amour, j'ai voulu te montrer le spectacle qui se jouait dans le ciel de Pangnirtung... peu de temps avant que la musique de Guns'nRoses joue à mes oreilles et annonce l'appel de ma Belle petite chérie.

Photo taken tonight in Pangnirtung

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Plane canceled - February 09, 2012

When the plane gets canceled, you feel in the middle of nowhere... you are done where you are and not even started where you had to go... you feel left behind. The highlight of it, so far it does not shift the schedule,there is time to catch up and if there is a plane in the morning... will be back on schedule... and in Qikiqtarjuaq the hotel is not bad.

Photo of a sign during the drive in the desert last Summer... in the middle of nowhere,where you cannot even try to pronounce the name...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Flight meals - February 08, 2012

Traveling all the time... I get tired of flight meals... although I get good one once in while, most of the time it is blah blah food... nothing to blah blah about.

Today was a cold day in Qikiqtarjuaq... tried to shoot at the sky but... it was not great... too much light from the town and the Northern lights were weak.

Photo taken on a flight at my tray... BORING !!! Note the little appetizer had lobster in it though.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Qikiqtarjuaq First night - February 07, 2012

Weather was a little iffy when we left Iqaluit... the plane was mechanical for a brief moment... but pretty uneventful trip to Pangnirtung then only me and Kent were passengers on the leg to Qikiqtarjuaq.

I went out to shoot some Northern lights... I did shoot blank, none in sight... will try again tomorrow. It was too cold to play with lenses and try a good clear full moon.

Je m'ennuie de ma poupette... elle avait la classe de maternelle aujourd'hui, elle avait préparé de belles choses pour eux.. Bien hâte de lui parler.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lune la lune - February 06, 2012

No whinning today... I am on the road for a week starting tomorrow. I should be okay... hope to get a few nice photos.

This photo was taken on Little Johnny's lot North of Winnipeg. Model was my friend Cynthia, and the photo was named 'Stopped into a church'

Will miss my lovely girlfriend over the next few days. She has been supportive of me, all the way and every day.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My first bear - February 05, 2012

It took me over 25 years before my first encounter with a polar bear. It was kind of magic.

Today was a pure hell day as far as pain. I really wish to get my surgery done as soon as possible. Thanks to the lovely one, looking after me today.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

No more blizzard - February 04, 2012

We have had a good storm in years.. I saw a few outside the city but none here.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Plan planed planning - February 03, 2012

Planning a trip to Greece, Rezz, and Arctic Bay... and did not even go yet to Qikiqtarjuaq, Pangnirtung and Cape Dorset... next outing February 7th... C'est pas possible la logistique que demande ces voyages...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chez nous c'est chez nous - February 02, 2012

De retour chez nous... ils font bon chez nous... malgré le froid, il y a quelques choses de magique de retourner à la maison.
Et ce soir on va se coller...Avec une caisse de diet coke, une aurore boréale, et la femme de ma vie couchée sous les étoiles...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Time to go home - February 01, 2012

Dernière journée dans la gadoue... OMG c'est pas possible un temps de misère comme ça. Je crois que j'aime mieux les froids du Nunavut au temps du sud en hiver...

Trop acheté de choses... mais j'ai quand même hâte d'ouvrir les sacs en arrivant à la maison.