Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Freezing rain tomorrow - January 31, 2012

What a miserable day to be on the road... almost closing time for the luggage.

Monday, January 30, 2012

La belle soeur est en ville - January 30th, 2012

C'est plaisant d'avoir la Belle Soeur qui vient nous visiter dans notre Hotel de la terreur... Journée de magasinage...

Je vais un peu mieux... je mange trop en vacances, mais je continue mon entrainement sous l'inspiration de ma Belle.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Souvenir des prairies - January 29th, 2012

Pas la meilleure des journées... my head has been pounding all day... Wish headaches could go away just for an hour once in a while.

Great to have my lovely girlfriend here with me, but I am not great company.

Put this photo up because I was fascinated by these crickets as I was traveling through the Alberta.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Des animaux - January 28th, 2012

La météo était belle ce matin... doux et un peu de soleil. Nous avons fait les magasins alors que le temps s'est gâté quelque peu en après-midi.

Alors qu'il neigeait ciel et terre... j'ai apperçu des... "ANIMAUX " sur le bord de la route. Et nous avons ricanné ensemble.

Malgré les maux de tête qui sont partis intégrale de mes journées... j'ai eu une belle journée, c'est bien de partager des moments avec mon amoureuse, elle me fait toujours sourire.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ice on trees - January 27th, 2012

OMG I am in Ottawa and they put that coating around the trees... it looks so cool... just amazing... I have no idea what it's called...???

So it was a long flight Edmonton-Ottawa... then the guy did not want me to have a Fiat as a rental car... I begged for it... nope... no rental Fiat... it sucks... would have been so cool and fun to drive on these icy condition.

Had a supper with a wonderful friend... and now I am getting my lovely GF at the airport.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tired again - January 26th, 2012

Too tired... it has been a terrible week... Tomorrow will be better.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chasing the sky - January 25th, 2012

Tomorrow morning I will try to chase the Northern lights in Alberta... hope to have a nice sky to do so...

Today was interesting day... got to hook up with a friend from Edmonton... He used to be a Northerner. We shared a meal and exchange about life.

Looking forward to go back East and be with my lovely girlfriend.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

C'est beau - January 24, 2012

J'ai de la difficulté avec le jetlag... j'ai de plus en plus mal dans le visage... mes journées sont longues... J'espère de prendre du mieux pour la fin de semaine...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Alberta j'y suis - January 23, 2012

Nice day in Alberta... at the end of the day, I went to take a few photos as the sun was setting... I did not get what I had in mind... happens often... but although I was a a little jetlaged... the day went fine.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mon lit est froid sans toi - January 22,2012

My dearest princess I am between to Flight in Wawatown
Ce soir je serai encore plus loin là bas
Mon lit sera froid de glace de ton absence
At the end of the week, we will meet again
And the ice from the bed we will melt
Miss you and love you mon minou
Je te donne un bisou avant mon autre vol

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Shadows in Victor Bay - January 21, 2012

Aujourd'hui une journée de préparation... la veille d'un départ.
Je pars demain pour le Sud et l'Ouest... une grosse semaine de voyage... J'ai bien hâte à vendredi alors que ce sera le début d'une belle petite vacance.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Visitor - January 20, 2012

A visitor came to do cold weather testing... I guess we live in a cold place. Airbus did test the A380 in here a few years back, just a huge plane... I have yet to fly on this jumbo jet.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sourire dans ses yeux - January 19, 2012

Dernière journée dehors avant de partir pour l'ouest Canadien... et oui dimanche je prendrai un vol pour Ottawa puis Edmonton. Ce soir j'ai booké des billets pour mon amour, elle viendra me rejoindre à Ottawa vendredi de la semaine prochaine et nous passerons quelques jours de repos et de magasinage.
Photo les yeux de Delma... -60 à Rankin Inlet

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Amy - January 18, 2012

First full day back from the Beach... it was cold cold at home but there was no wind which makes it more comfy.

Amy... I was in Winnipeg looking for a place to have a bite with my good friend Luc. We were walking in Osbourne village looking around... when someone scream "Daniel" from a moving car... I never pay attention when I hear my name... but someone was waving at me... and I noticed in the middle of nowhere here was Amy... funny we are both from relatively small Northern communities and meeting in a big city... Luc could not believe I could meet some I know... it is just too funny...

Photo from a shoot with Amy in traditional clothing

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Home again - January 17, 2012

Home again... I miss been home when I go away.... even when I spend days at the Beach...

Monday, January 16, 2012

I would go back - January 16, 2012

Yes, I would go back with you... No blogging today... I am too tired, the day was a nightmare... so cold, so dark, so little success... bed time for me.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mon fantôme d'amour - January 15, 2012

Lorsque je suis loin de toi.. le soir je reviens te visiter, parfois; je caresse tes cheveux; je murmure à ton oreille, des petits mots doux pour que ta nuit soit la plus paisible possible. Lorsqu'un frisson t'envahie, c'est simplement que je pose mes bras autour de tes épaules. Je t'aime et même très loin, tu es si près dans mes pensées... que je deviens simplement ton fantôme d'amour.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pays du soleil levant - January 14, 2012

J'apprends par courriel que mon ami de longue date Sylvain lors de son court séjour au Canada pour quelques concerts... fera un détour par Montréal pour aller aux funérailles de sa mère. Je n'ai vu sa mère depuis le temps que nous étions ados et que nous étions des motards en herbe... depuis le jour ou il partait pour l'ouest Canadien sur sa moto...

Il a fait son chemin et maintenant accompagne les grands du monde de la musique et son monde à lui c'est l'orient... et moi je suis resté en occident... Comme tous les ados... les parents de nos amis c'étaient des fois des familles qui nous voyaient plus souvent que nos propres parents. De savoir sa mère décédée me rends un peu triste...il me parlait il y a quelques mois d'avoir un ami pour les conduire à son concert à Toronto...

Bon voyage Madame Gagnon... J'ai souvenir encore de trois petits garçons, Sylvain, Marc et Martin...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wildlife photo at the Beach - January 13, 2012

Today I was walking quietly on the Beach... trying to avoid the wildlife to be scared. It was going pretty good until I created a real nightmare for any wildlife people... I tripped into a root's of a palm tree... the seals turned around and saw me... they went into defensive mode like the ostrich do... they jumped to stick their heads in the sand... but it was frozen solid on the Beach... they all died instantly from heavy concussion... OMG did I felt bad about it... but I took a photo of them Resting IN Peace...

Weather has been cold and will get colder. As I will get busier, the time will run on me as always.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Going to the Beach - January 12, 2012

I flew to the Beach this morning... There were only 2 other passengers on the flight. I was a pretty nice flight.... the flight attendant was someone I knew, and flight went pretty fast.

Hall Beach was a little cold at -51 but it warmed up as the day went on... -45 by the end of the day... I walked over 4 km wind in my face and on my back... I was tired by the end of the day... but I was as happy as if I had trained on my bike at home.

They say it is the first 12 days of training that are the hardest... I am past and when I see the motivation of Maryline who does more than twice the amount I do... I quit whining and get on it.

So the service was great on the flight... but...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Pregnant shoot - January 11, 2012

Flexibility.. I have to be flexible... I had plan a shoot this weekend with this couple and their daughters... I am no longer heading for the Beach as planned for next Monday... now it is going to be this Thursday... It is fine, I will be done with it earlier.

I guess I have a reputation to be difficult photographer... someone who pick and chose his clients and models... when Maryline told me she had a co-worker asking if I would do her pregnancy photos... many people wished her luck to have even a photo taken by me... they probably did not know, I will never say know to shoot a pregnant lady with my camera...

I hope to be able to blog on the road... if not... will catch up coming back home next week.

On today's photo... Hershie is the pretty and pregnat woman.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Summer in Pond Inlet - January 10, 2012

When it is -51 outside and it is dark... I sometimes get carried away back in the Summer months when the sun never goes down and the weather is different. Today I got a request for another shoot, and something inside my box... I did a little research and getting excited about it.

The photo was taken just at the edge of Pond Inlet where I went fishing with a friend... it was such a nightmare to get to the location, but overthere it was calm and relaxing... but what a hike to get back... I think I am in better shape today than back them... looking forward to see if the same hike will bring the same sweat next Summer.

On the photo my Fin friend Amanda.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Natural light from the window - January 09, 2012

Natural light using the window... it was a milder day but with the wind it felt as cold.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cold in the tub - January 08, 2012

Shoot with Demonica done in January... she is a model who is the most pleasant to shoot with... always very patient... and very kind lady.

Done in the tub... without getting the expected effect... I will have to try again.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lady you are so... January 7, 2012

Today... I put together my new strobe lights.. OMG, a new toy to play with... but I needed a model to try all the crazy setting... who better than my very patient girlfriend... it was fun to figure out the setting.... I learned a few tricks and will be able to apply them in future shoots...

I still love better the natural light... but in the winter, it is so limited.. nice to have a real back up and something great and reliable to work with...

So new stuff for the photography box... who is getting amazingly full !!!

Beautiful Woman - January 6, 2012

Just got a fantastic gift today from my lovely girlfriend... she gave me a set of stobes with umbrellas... I just cannot wait to shoot with them... I have a shoot booked for next weekend, and I am planning to practice all week... and use them if the results are there.
Sur la photo... Une jolie dame !!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Un an plus tard - January 05, 2012

L'eau est de retour... après plus de 24 heures sans eau... elle est revenue avant le souper...

Aujourd'hui... petite journée occuppée... passée surtout à préparer mon voyage à Edmonton... Billets d'avion, auto de location, hotels...

Comme je n'ai pas vraiment fait de photo du jour... cette dernière est de l'année dernière à la même époque.

Between Pang & Qik - January 04,2012

Entre ciel et terre... between Pangnirtung and Qikiqtarjuaq...

Not a great day at home with the water pipe are frozen... when at the end of the day they say... well we will work on it tomorrow. We take for granted running water... taking a shower... washing dishes... brushing our teeth... but when it stops to flow through the faucets... we get a little offset and upset... you don't train because you don't to carry your BO outside the house... you look at the price of hotel rooms for a night... just to shower... and you cope with it... and wait to see with the next day will bring.

About this photo taken through the window of the plane... too often the windows are scratched, dirty, milky, and photos are simply lousy...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cold Cold morning - January 03, 2012

This morning with the windchill it was -48 degrees... not a nice day to any outside activities.

My day was not too cold as I spent it with my lovely lady.

We went to send my son David back to college... he will be back here during his Spring break.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sweat baby sweat -January 02, 2012

January 2nd, 2012.

Training... she trains every day and she inspires me.. I train as often as I can. I wish I had the drive to do as much as she does... but I wish must of all I could out do myself a little more... I tend to listen to myself.

One of my resolution... training every day... no more excuses..lol.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Peace on earth !

So this is January 1st 2012... Pas le plus beau jour de l'an... toujours en attente de chirurgie, j'ai des bonnes et des mauvaises journées... Aujourd'hui, une très mauvaise... j'avais de la difficulté à me concentrer... à être bien avec mon amoureuse... à la faire sentir bien. Je sais que d'ici la fin d'avril... la machine médicale se mettra en marche et ceci devrait être derrière nous.
Je suis chanceux de partager ma vie avec une femme extraordinaire, elle me soutient à tous les jours, m'encourage et m'accompagne dans cette pénible attente qui dure depuis plus d'un an.

La visite de David à la maison pour les fêtes nous apporter de beaux sourires.
Alors pour vous tous, je souhaite de la santé pour l'année qui vient... avec la Santé vous pourrez déplacer des montagnes et tout vous sera possible.

Hugs and Smiles !
